The Diamond Approach®

The Diamond Approach, developed by A.H.Almass, is a teaching for our time;

The Diamond Approach makes it possible to approach the path to inner realization informed with modern psychological knowledge, a possibility that has not existed in the past. For most people the ego or personality is so entrenched due to unconscious fears and conflicts that traditional meditative practices rarely help us stay in touch with our being or true nature in our everyday life. Alternately, spiritual traditions have not assisted its practitioners in integrating its benefits into everyday life. It looks at the interplay between the psychological and the spiritual, the personal and the transcendental. Traditionally spiritual traditions have tended to ignore the life of the mind and how it gets in the way of the spirit. The result is that we have psychological understanding which fails to free our hearts, and spiritual understanding which can rarely penetrate our psychological barriers.

Discover Your True Self

The Diamond Approach makes it possible to approach the path to inner realization informed with modern psychological knowledge, a possibility that has not existed in the past.

Two Schools of Thought

The Diamond Approach aligns and integrates the psychological and spiritual.

Bridging the Gap of Ego & True Nature

It addresses and deals with the interplay and apparent contractions between the egoic or personality driven traits and the transcendental or qualities of our being and true nature.

Achieving a Balance Between Worlds

The Diamond Approach helps resolve the split between the material and spiritual worlds.

How Does it Work?

Through the practice of inquiry into our immediate experience, we come to understand the specific veils of the ego that obscure the realization of who we are — a Presence not patterned by our history and psychology. The ego itself becomes a doorway to realization and to living in an authentic way. We discover that personal meaning, freedom, and fulfillment are intrinsic to living as our True Nature.

How is it Taught?

The Diamond Approach includes meditations, movement, experiential exercises and discussions. It is taught in large and small group settings and in private sessions with Diamond Approach teachers.

Upcoming Classes

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Unexpected Qualities That Support Spiritual Development
6:00 am - 5:59 am
Castle Rock Location

This 2-part course is for those who are aware of a longing for connection to something beyond themselves and seek support in their spiritual...

Unexpected Qualities That Support Spiritual Development
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Colo Free University 7653 East 1st Place; Denver, CO 80230

This 2-part course is for those who are aware of a longing for connection to something beyond themselves and seek support in their spiritual...

The True Simplicity of Meditation
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Colo Free University 7653 East 1st Place; Denver, CO 80230

This 2-part class is for beginning or never-ever meditators. It is your opportunity to learn how to meditate using simple, straightforward, and easy-to-understand techniques....

Latest News

Stay up-to-date with recent happenings from Crystal Soul Work.

Chris Krueger
November 1, 2016

The Shaman

Chris Krueger
October 14, 2016

Transmittal of Space by an Artist

Kindly Shared Reviews



-Regarding Inquiry & Sport
“In the mountains there is a strange market where you can combine the vortex of Life with Boundless Bliss.”


-Regarding Inquiry & Sport
“ There again... in my chest cavity... I feel this enormous sense of life, vitality, intensity, strength and peace.  I feel a heat radiating from my body and a deep flow (soul-like flow) everywhere.”


-Regarding Inquiry & Sport
“Sensing into my heart skiing a steep but groomed slope, I am on my edges, just right. Like a smooth fairly fast group of larger linked turns... then an enormous flow of deep joy with confidence flows through the heart, it is like pulling the cork off a bottle of champagne, it keeps coming. A rippled flow of bursting joy and delight.  My God, I have been skiing for 50 years, but this I have never felt while skiing.”